A monthly online call for people who have had energetic or spiritual awakenings that they define as kundalini. It can be isolating as we look for answers. However this energy has come into your life, if you feel the call to share this experience with others, we are with you (and we've got plenty of questions to ponder, too).
We invite you to join us in an online video chat. The purpose is to learn, listen, share, and support. This is a safe environment for open minds and hearts, and we respect all personal truths. Feel invited to share as much / as little as you want, ask questions, or honor noble silence and simply come to hold space. This is a free format discussion; the only agenda is to connect.
Join at: https://meet.google.com/iek-nyhq-uxg
For questions or more information, please email matthew.puntigam@gmail.com